Tuesday, December 13, 2016

8 Reasons to Install a New AC Before Winter

8 Reasons to Install a New AC Before Winter

Now that fall and winter are on their way, thinking about getting a new air conditioning system will be the last thing on your mind. Although it may seem odd to want a new AC installation during the colder months, there are quite a lot of benefits to having it done. We’ve put together a few reason to why we think you should consider a new AC installation this fall.New AC Installation

What are the benefits of off-season AC installation?

Having a new air conditioner installed in fall may seem like a strange idea, but it’s actually the best time to get it done. Read the benefits below and you’ll soon realize why.

1. It Gives You Time to Research

When the summer is over, you’re no longer relying on your air conditioner to cool down your home. It’s the perfect time to look at new AC units and weigh up your options.

There are so many different options available when it comes to air conditioners. Instead of trying to buy a new AC just before or during the summer and ending up with something that’s not ideal for your home, spend a bit of extra time this fall looking for your perfect cooling system.

2. It’s Less Expensive

When the summer season is over, AC units aren’t in such high demand. Getting a new air conditioning installation out of season often means the prices will be lower. A new system will also be more cost effective, so soon it will be paying for itself.

3. Old Systems Come with Costly Repairs

As your unit ages, the chances of it needing repairs increases. An old system can be unpredictable; you don’t know when it’s going to fail on you. Compared to newer systems, older ones also tend to require costlier repairs.

4. Get More Efficiency

When you have an air conditioner that is over eight years old, it may be becoming inefficient. When your unit is no longer efficient, it will cost you a lot more than it is worth. A new installation is a lot more energy effective; your bills will be lower, and it’s also better for the environment.

5. Potential Rebates and Credits

Another financial benefit of having a new AC installed during the fall is credits and deductions. During this time of the year, you’ll also find that warranties on many AC units will cover you for much longer than buying one during the summer.

6. Save Money On Your Contractor

During the winter months, AC companies and technicians won’t be in such high demand, and they’ll have a lot more time than during the summer. Many businesses and contractors offer fall and winter installation discount to keep work steady during the colder seasons.New Air Conditioner

7. Fast and Convenient

While it’s summer, air conditioning technicians are a lot busier. If you schedule to have a new AC unit installed, you may have to wait for weeks until they are free. If your old system has broken down and this is why you’re after a replacement, you could be waiting for a long time with no air con at all. During the winter, they’ll be able to schedule you an appointment almost immediately.

8. You Can Plan Ahead

Getting a new AC system installed during fall means you won’t have to worry about doing it later on. When summer comes, you can switch on your new energy efficient unit, sit back, and relax. You won’t need to worry about possible repairs, or air conditioning malfunction. It’s always better to be fully prepared than leaving large home improvements until the last minute.

The post 8 Reasons to Install a New AC Before Winter appeared first on Trophy AC.

from Trophy AC http://trophy-ac.com/2016/12/13/8-reasons-install-new-ac-winter/
via http://trophy-ac.com

How Do You Know If Your Main Plumbing Line Needs Repair?

water main breakThe main water line is built to last. Therefore, most homeowners will never have a problem with it. Unfortunately, older pipes can development cracks or corrosion that causes leaks to occur. When this happens, the problem will need the expertise of an experienced plumber who has been trained to handle this type of plumbing repair.

Water main leaks often go undetected for long periods of time due to the water mains being buried deep under your home and yard. If a leak in the main line has gone undetected for a long while, additional problems can occur. These issues can include but are not limited to foundation damage and cracks in the floors, ceilings, or walls.

Is There Any Way to Tell That You Have a Leak in Your Main Water Line?

If your primary water line has a leak, you should notice one or more of the following signs:

  • Higher than normal utility bill
  • Puddles of water or wet spots on the floor, ceiling, and/or wall
  • Trickling sounds of water even when no one is using it
  • Loud sounds of running water even when the water has been turned off
  • Puddles of water in the yard or area of the sidewalk or driveway where the water line lies underneath of it
  • Growth of mold and/or mildew in various places of the garage or home

How Does a Plumber Determine That a Leak Exists in Your Main Water Line?

Before a plumber tears up your floors in search of a break in the water line, a visual inspection is made using specialized equipment. Typically, a video camera is used to search the length of the pipe in order to determine where the problem exists.

What Kind of Repairs Are Involved for Leaks in the Main Water Line?

Unfortunately, this type of plumbing repair is often costly since the main line is usually re-routed rather than replaced. A portion of the yard or foundation is usually torn up in order to connect new piping. The homeowner must generally contact someone other than the plumber to make the necessary repairs to the foundation and/or any walls that must be restored. The sooner the problem is discovered, the less invasive the process is.

Does Your Main Plumbing Line Needs Repair?

The main plumbing line brings clean water to your home. When it is broken, you should notice signs that a problem has occurred. You might see wet spots or notice a loss in water pressure. This type of plumbing problem requires the skills of an experienced plumber, so you should call one as soon as you think that the main water line is leaking or broken.

The post How Do You Know If Your Main Plumbing Line Needs Repair? appeared first on Trophy AC.

from Trophy AC http://trophy-ac.com/2016/12/13/how-do-you-know-if-your-main-plumbing-line-needs-repair/
via http://trophy-ac.com